Each purchase made by a customer on your site, using the URL assigned to you, will be subject to commission. Commission will be the sales (ex VAT) less the cost IDS charges you (ex VAT) per product. The cost IDS charges you will be the wholesale price list you receive from IDS.

Commission is paid to you two months in arrears from when it has reached over £50/€75 (depending on which currency your account was set up for), less any returns that are processed.

You can choose to have this paid either into your IDS account as credit, or via BACS into your designated bank account.


Commission payments will be reduced by the following:

  • Each order will incur a 4.9% administration fee. This covers the cost of IDS processing the order, returns and payments. (4.9% of the grand order total).
  • Each return will forfeit the value of commission relating to the returned product. 
  • Delivery charges do not attract commission.


The commission due to you will be visible on your unique URL.